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Well, I was diagnosed with brain tumour in 2010. And 2011 had a second surgery as the cancer became agressive after radiation and became GBM Grade 4. I was given less than 12 months to live.1 week after surgery made Canna oil using Vodka instead of Naphtha.Took as much oil as I can handle, and I passed out a few times from taking too much. And now 2024 I am still cancer free.
Mageplaza Extra Fee streamlines the process of implementing additional charges, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience for both merchants and customers.
#MagentoExtensions #EcommerceSolutions #CustomFees #EnhancedShoppingExperience
Magento 2 Quick Order by Mageplaza is a powerful tool that streamlines the ordering process for customers. With this extension, users can quickly and easily add multiple products to their shopping cart by entering SKUs or product names, saving valuable time and effort.